All Classes and Interfaces
Creates the stage for future budgeting.
Class that defines the cells in the budgeting table.
Class that controls the budgeting window.
An instance of Category holds Transaction objects.
A class that creates a window for the user to confirm an action.
Exception that is thrown when a transaction is attempted to add to a category,
and the transaction does not conform to the type of transactions already present in
the category.
Exception that is thrown when a transaction is attempted to add to a category,
and the transaction does not conform to the type of transactions already present in
the category.
Page for editing categories.
Controller for the EditCategory.fxml window.
Edits expense.
Controller for the AddExpense.fxml window.
Currently empty class.
GUI controller for edit income page.
Describes an expense using the Transaction class.
The main class for the expenses page.
GUI controller for the expenses.
Opens the help option.
GUI loader for home page.
GUI controller for the home page.
Describes an Income using the Transaction class.
FXML loader for income GUI.
GUI controller for income class.
Describes a recurring expense, inheriting from the Expense class.
Describes a recurring income, inheriting from the Income class.
Creates the GUI stage for recurring transactions.
Controller for recurring transactions FXML.
The main class responsible for holding the data of all transactions and categories.
Loader class containing methods for writing and reading data from a JSON file,
which holds all the data of the register.
Abstract class that Expense/Income inherits from.